2023 CONEBI Annual Conference

2023 CONEBI Annual Conference

Political perspectives on Public-Private synergies for the Cycling Industry in Europe

Date and time

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 · 10am - 1pm CET


European Parliament

60 Rue Wiertz 1047 Bruxelles Belgium

About this event

2023 CONEBI Annual Conference

When: Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Time: 10:00 – 13:00 CET

Registration check-in: 09:00 CET

Where: European Parliament - Rue Wiertz 60, 1047, Brussels, Belgium


After the resolution by the European Parliament in February 2023 asking the European Commission and EU Member States for an EU Cycling Strategy, the recent European Cycling Declaration presented in Seville by the European Commission and the ongoing EU institutional dialogue about the co-creation roundtable on the Mobility Transition Pathway, CONEBI would like to take stock and engage in a high-level political dialogue on 29 November from 10:00 to 13:00.

CONEBI recognises the momentum to accelerate on the green and digital transition of the industry and the importance to promote the cycling culture and safety via an ambitious European Declaration. To that end, synergies between the EU (and national public authorities), industrial organisations and companies are of utmost importance for the long-term growth of the bicycle industry as a whole in Europe.

A sound EU regulatory and standardisation framework, EU co-funding opportunities for R&D projects of interest for the whole sector, support for both the development of more European industry clusters and a battery ecosystem in Europe are – together with policies and funding on the promotion of cycling and cycling infrastructure - crucial for the industry to make strategic long-term investments in our continent.


  1. Offical welcome
  2. Keynote speeches
  3. Panel 1: EU Industrial Transition: Public-Private synergies from a political perspective
  4. Presentation by Polytechnic University of Milan: Impact Analysis of Bicycle Production
  5. Panel 2: European Cycling Declaration: the current role of EU Member States and the future implementation at national level
  6. Closing remarks

Please register here on Eventbrite in order to attend. Once you have registered, the final programme will be sent to you in the coming days.

Tag us on LinkedIn and or use the hashtag #CONEBIConference when posting about the event on social media.

Confirmed speakers:

  • European Parliament MEP Ms. Karima Delli, Chair of the TRAN Committee;
  • Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mobility Belgium Mr. Georges Gilkinet;
  • Secretary of State for Urban Mobility Portugal Mr. Jorge Delgado (video message);
  • European Commission DG Grow I2 Mr. Mark Nicklas, Head of Unit;
  • European Commission DG Move B3 Mr. Torsten Klimke, Head of Unit;
  • Professor Stefano Caserini of Polytechnic University of Milan;
  • Directorate-General for Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility France (DGITM), Mr. Thierry Du Crest, National Cycling and Walking Officer;
  • Bosch, Ms. Friederike Pischnick, Senior Expert Sustainable Mobility with focus on eBikes;
  • Decathlon, Mr. Bertrand Tison, EU Public Affairs;
  • Eurosport DHS, Ms. Adriana Moima, Executive Manager;
  • Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Austria, Mr. Martin Eder, National Cycling Officer;
  • EIT Urban Mobility, Ms. Julienne Chen, Head of City Partnerships;
  • Zweirad-Industrie-Verband (ZIV), Ms. Anke Schäffner, Chief Policy Officer;
  • European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), Mr. Holger Haubold, Director Intellectual Property & Data Collection;
  • PON, Mr. Raymond Gense, Director Mobility (CIE)

For more information, please contact Manuel Marsilio at manuel.marsilio@conebi.eu or Alix Stamp at alix.stamp@conebi.eu.

Organized by

CONEBI represents the European Bicycle, Pedal Assist E-Bike, Parts & Accessories Industries in Europe; out of a total of more than 1000 companies in Europe, more than 700 companies – most of them SMEs – are represented via the CONEBI’s national member organizations. CONEBI’s work involves providing input to the EU’s regulatory and policy consultation fora in matters related to the EU Internal Market, Industry, and Transport legislative agenda. CONEBI is a founding member of the World Bicycle Industry Association WBIA, the Industry4Europe coalition and the EU CCAM Partnership.

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