Cyber attack alert! What should you do as an entrepreneur?

Cyber attack alert! What should you do as an entrepreneur?

How can you prepare for a cyber attack? How do you deal with it? Glenn takes you on a journey of cyber resilience (in Dutch and English)

By CyberWayFinder

Date and time

Monday, March 24 · 6:30 - 8:30pm CET



Cantersteen 10 1000 Bruxelles Belgium

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Did you know that almost 1/4 of Belgian SMEs have already experienced an IT security incident? In the worst cases, they go bankrupt within a year of a cyber attack!

Join us at the ‘Cyber attack alert! What to do as an entrepreneur’ We invite you to attend this FREE event in person at BeCentral. But you can also choose to join us online.

Thanks to funding from the Federal Public Service Economy and the European Union.

Learn from Glenn LEYSEN, cybersecurity expert, the actions and tips to adopt to secure your data and protect your business against cyber threats (ransomware, data theft, Ddos attacks). And what to do when you are the victim of a cyber attack. In a language adapted to the specific situations of small businesses.

Don't miss this opportunity to meet other professionals and exchange ideas on cyber security.

Join us at BeCentral (Board Room) for this exciting event!

Refreshments and sandwiches will be provided


Organized by


Diversity and Innovation in Cybersecurity.