Hudson Connect | Recruitment Marketing

Hudson Connect | Recruitment Marketing

Join us at Hudson Connect for the latest insights on recruitment marketing and peer networking!

Date and time

Thursday, September 26 · 8:30 - 10:30am CEST


Av. du Bourget 50

50 Avenue du Bourget 1130 Bruxelles Belgium


8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Welcome & Breakfast

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

The impact of digital technologies, AI & data on recruitment

Carl Dieryckx

Carl Dieryckx from Indie Group explains how the rise of digital technologies, AI & data is changing recruitment, and which trends you should definitely not miss. You will receive practical tips on ho...

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Current Trends & Challenges in the Recruitment Landscape

Delphine Le Roy

Delphine Le Roy from Hudson highlights the trends & challenges within today's recruitment landscape.

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Networking and Q&A

About this event


In today's recruitment landscape, only posting job openings on various job boards is no longer sufficient. To attract talented individuals, it has become crucial for organizations to engage in attractive, personalized and integrated digital campaigns.

An effective recruitment strategy requires HR and marketing to work closely together.

In this session, Carl Dieryckx, Strategist at Indie Group, will provide insights into how the rise of digital technologies, AI, and data is transforming the world of talent acquisition. He will highlight essential trends and offer practical tips on leveraging digital channels to create successful recruitment campaigns.

Additionally, Delphine Le Roy, Manager at Hudson, will also elaborate on the challenges in today's recruitment field.

Target Audience

This session is open to HR managers and Marketing managers. We kindly request colleagues from our competitors to refrain from registering for this event.



We look forward to welcoming you:

  • for this FREE breakfast session
  • on Thursday 26th of September
  • the topic will be presented in English

Frequently asked questions

What is a Hudson Connect?

Hudson Connects are inspiring breakfast sessions for HR professionals around current HR topics. They bring HR peers together to reflect on a specific theme, connect with each other and learn from each other.

Unable to attend?

Please notify us in good time via, so that other interested parties can have the opportunity to participate in this Connect session and/or we can adjust the catering.

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