The Big Bang (20 years later)

The Big Bang (20 years later)

An entertaining and educational tour of the 10 countries that joined the EU in 2004 with More or Less Theatre

Select date and time

Sunday, September 22 · 3 - 3:30pm CEST


University of Malta (Valletta Campus)

St Paul Street VLT1215 Il-Belt Valletta Malta

About this event

Join us on a fun tour visiting the countries that joined the EU in the 2004 "Big Bang" enlargement in this year's Festalingwi. Malcolm Galea and Sean Briffa will guide the audience through an entertaining and informative voyage through these 10 countries with fun facts about their language and history in the signature style of More or Less Theatre, which has been entertaining and informing children of all ages for over a decade.

There will be three shows: one in Maltese at 13:00 and two in English, at 15:00 and 17:30.

More Festalingwi activities here.

Ingħaqdu magħna aħna u niskopru l-pajjiżi li ssieħbu mal-Unjoni Ewropea fit-tkabbir tal-2004, magħruf ukoll bħala l-Big Bang. Malcolm Galea u Sean Briffa se jieħdu l-udjenza fi vjaġġ informattiv u divertenti minn dawn l-10 pajjiżi b'fatti interessanti dwar il-lingwa u l-istorja tagħhom fl-istil uniku ta' More or Less Theatre, li ilhom iferrħu u jinfurmaw lit-tfal ta' kull età għal aktar minn għaxar snin.

Se jkun hemm tliet spettakli: wieħed bil-Malti fis-13:00 u tnejn bl-Ingliż, fit-15:00 u l-17:30.

Ara aktar attivitajiet ta' Festalingwi hawn.

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