Once upon a time, there was a talented professional with great ideas. They wanted to convince their manager to implement these great ideas. When trying to convince the manager however, the professional struggled to structure their ideas and to get the point across. It fell on deaf ears …
A colleague stepped in and used the power of storytelling to convince the manager of the same ideas. This time it worked. The manager implemented the ideas, leading to tremendous growth. Both the manager and the professional’s colleague were promoted.
The professional saw it all happen and thought: I wish I had gone to the progress club’s evening lecture about storytelling. Then I would have had the promotion I deserved..
Don’t make the same mistake the professional made. Come and join us to learn about the power of storytelling from Mr. Isa Morgül as part of our ten evening lectures.
As the ex-CEO of an international organisation, Isa can tell us a thing or two of how stories make companies thrive or fall. As the founder of the Progress Academy (≠ progress club) he can teach us a thing or two about how we can craft compelling stories of our own.