Master Lab - International fashion fairs and sales channels

Master Lab - International fashion fairs and sales channels

Don’t miss this chance to elevate your international business approach and join us at our Master Lab in Antwerp on December 3rd!

Datum en tijd

din, 3 dec. 2024 09:45 - 17:00 CET


De Studio

4 Maarschalk Gérardstraat 2000 Antwerpen Belgium

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Over dit evenement

For a fashion brand, navigating the rapidly evolving world of international sales channels and fairs can be challenging. At our Master Lab you will gain valuable insights from top European fairs and regional experts from international key markets for a Belgian fashion brand. This event will equip you with crucial knowledge you need to (re)define your global strategy and to drive expansion, all without you having to travel abroad.
Don’t miss this chance to elevate your international business approach and join us at our Master Lab in Antwerp on December 3rd!

We will dive into the world of international fairs with representatives from some prominent fashion fairs, who will each provide essential insights and learnings. You will also have the chance to meet with some international experts specialised in key markets for Belgian fashion brands, such as the USA, Asia and Northern Europe. These experts will share their in-depth knowledge on the current business landscape and offer you realistic strategies for effectively approaching each market.

This event will be in English.


A detailed program with information about the different experts and speakers will be disclosed shortly.

For whom?

This is an event for growing and mature designers, entrepreneurs and company employees working in the fashion industry (clothing & accessories), who are (interested in) selling internationally or who have the ambition to enter a new market. We expect your fashion company to have been active for at least three years.

Georganiseerd door

Flanders DC is het Vlaamse design- en modecentrum en werkt aan sterk toekomstgericht ondernemerschap in de design- en modesector. Flanders DC ondersteunt de twee sectoren ook in hun rol van motor voor economische en maatschappelijke vooruitgang door ervoor te zorgen dat vanuit andere economische sectoren designers meer ingeschakeld worden als innovatiepartner.