Événements spectrum reunion Saanich, Canada
Continuing Connections with the National Autism Research Centre of Israel
lun. 5 mai, 14:00
BC Children's Hospital Research Institute
Continuing Connections with the National Autism Research Centre of Israel
lun. 5 mai, 14:00
BC Children's Hospital Research Institute
Palestine: War and Trauma - A Legacy of Resilience with Dr. Gabor Maté
dimanche prochain à 16:30
Grand Taj Banquet Hall
Palestine: War and Trauma - A Legacy of Resilience with Dr. Gabor Maté
dimanche prochain à 16:30
Grand Taj Banquet Hall
LETTING GO AND MOVING ON: a 9D BREATHWORK event +Reiki healing at Mandala.
mar. 8 avr., 18:00
MANDALA Studio & Creative Space
LETTING GO AND MOVING ON: a 9D BREATHWORK event +Reiki healing at Mandala.
mar. 8 avr., 18:00
MANDALA Studio & Creative Space
"Lost In Translation" Performance by Vocal Ensemble Ne Zhdali
sam. 26 avr., 19:30
Pyatt Hall at the VSO School Of Music
"Lost In Translation" Performance by Vocal Ensemble Ne Zhdali
sam. 26 avr., 19:30
Pyatt Hall at the VSO School Of Music
Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra WWU Concert
sam. 5 avr., 15:00
WWU Performing Arts Center Concert Hall
Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra WWU Concert
sam. 5 avr., 15:00
WWU Performing Arts Center Concert Hall
2025 Active Spirit Walk & Run- 2km/5km
ven. 4 avr., 15:30
Musqueam Community Centre (behind the building by gravel road)
2025 Active Spirit Walk & Run- 2km/5km
ven. 4 avr., 15:30
Musqueam Community Centre (behind the building by gravel road)
HEALING ANCESTRAL LINES: 9d Breathwork journey + Reiki healing at Mandala
mar. 15 avr., 18:00
MANDALA Studio & Creative Space
HEALING ANCESTRAL LINES: 9d Breathwork journey + Reiki healing at Mandala
mar. 15 avr., 18:00
MANDALA Studio & Creative Space
Quartetto Gelato (Rose Gellert Hall Series)
sam. 12 avr., 19:30
Rose Gellert Hall, Langley Community Music School
Quartetto Gelato (Rose Gellert Hall Series)
sam. 12 avr., 19:30
Rose Gellert Hall, Langley Community Music School
Advanced Scenes 2 with Allie Thursdays starting Apr 17
jeu. 17 avr., 19:00
Carousel Theatre for Young People
Advanced Scenes 2 with Allie Thursdays starting Apr 17
jeu. 17 avr., 19:00
Carousel Theatre for Young People
Theda Phoenix Soundbath, Light language + Healing Scalar Frequencies
sam. 3 mai, 18:00
Maahi Wellness Center (EE SYSTEM)
Theda Phoenix Soundbath, Light language + Healing Scalar Frequencies
sam. 3 mai, 18:00
Maahi Wellness Center (EE SYSTEM)