Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice

The Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice is a dedicated queer safe-space for our LGBTQIA kids, our intersectional families, & all our marginalized folx, connecting our beautifully diverse & disparate communities, both locally & nationally. As a dedicated community activist hub at our physical HQ, the BRCSJ is open every day in Princeton, NJ, providin' a safe-space that our community so needs & deserves & both in-house on the virtual tip broadcastin' out across the globe, regularly hosts extraordinary events & presents powerful programming to inspire, empower, & hopefully entertain our dear friends, stalwart allies, & chosen fam!

During the pandemic to provide our BRCSJ community a chance to still gather together on a regular basis, we hosted our SOCIAL JUSTICE POWER HOUR which broadcast every weeknite, over 600 shows gatherin' together thousands of viewers as well as hosting an impressive mix of inspirational local folx & more diverse & nationally-known figures.

At the same time, the Center works tirelessly to build toward the Beloved Community & provides both virtual & socially-distant services such as free therapy & counseling for our LGBTQIA youth, families, & seniors; regular Trans Justice Collective & Queer Youth Brigade gatherings; a burgeoinin' Queer History Archive; Welcomin' the Community Free Breakfast program; Birth Justice & Repro Rights initiative; advocacy for students & professionals; diversity trainings across the spectrum; HIV testin' & COVID/Monkeypox vaccination stations;  & numerous rallies, events, & happenings, both of-the-moment in response to current events & in dedicated planned programming in support of political, environmental, gender, & identity issues.

Join us as Angelic Troublemakers at RUSTINCENTER.ORG

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