Laura Kirby

Laura Kirby began her wellness journey during down time of the pandemic. She was able to earn numerous certifications and began using them. She is a wife and mother to two human and two dog children. Her passion is to show you how to improve your life in small ways.

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Image principale de Journey to Peace - a meditation morning

Journey to Peace - a meditation morning

Sat, Jun 22, 9:00 AM

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Image principale de Journey to Peace - a meditation morning

Journey to Peace - a meditation morning

Sat, Jun 22, 9:00 AM

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Laura Kirby began her wellness journey during down time of the pandemic. She was able to earn numerous certifications and began using them. She is a wife and mother to two human and two dog children. Her passion is to show you how to improve your life in small ways.


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Image principale de Journey to Peace - a meditation morning

Journey to Peace - a meditation morning

Sat, Jun 22, 9:00 AM

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Image principale de Journey to Peace - a meditation morning

Journey to Peace - a meditation morning

Sat, Jun 22, 9:00 AM

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