Lindsey Seger
Lindsey Seger, RDMS (AB OB/GYN), RVT (VT) is a board-certified Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, a certified birth educator (CPI), and an Evidence Based Birth® Instructor with a BS degree from Lipscomb University. Lindsey has extensive experience with presenting childbirth education, childbirth research, and maternal rights with enthusiastic reviews. She's been an independent childbirth instructor since 2010 and has taught over 200+ couples!
Lindsey was an ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network) Chapter Leader for 14 years, a volunteer leadership position that connects birthing families with information and resources. She served on ICAN's Board of Directors for five years as both Vice President and President. Lindsey also developed training materials on behalf of ICAN for those interested in running ICAN Chapters in their own communities on how to be an effective resource and support on issues pertaining to cesarean prevention, cesarean recovery, and VBAC.